Virtual 5K Run/Walk Training Program
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Join WXGS, LBGTQ+ Services, and IMPACT Boston for a FREE full-impact, trauma-informed self-defense class taught by trained instructors from IMPACT Boston. You will gain verbal and physical tools to more...
Meet members of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society and learn to weave traditional Cherokee single-wall reed baskets. Open to everyone! Free snacks (cookies/brownies) provided.
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond Speaker Series Spring 2024 These events are free and unticketed. Registration information for the Prasad and deBoer events TBA. “Israel/Palestine: What Next?” With...
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Want to get exercise mid-day but don’t want to go outside? Join the tunnel walk for a 30-minute walk led by a volunteer through MIT’s famous tunnel system*. This walk...
Does your exercise routine need a jump start? Join getfit and MIT Recreation for a virtual 5K run/walk training program open to the entire MIT community. We have eight weeks...
Have any fitness questions you just can't figure out? Not sure how to get started? Just want someone to look at your squat form? Come chat with MIT Recreation's Full-Time...
Have any fitness questions you just can't figure out? Not sure how to get started? Just want someone to look at your squat form? Come chat with MIT Recreation's Full-Time...
Want to get exercise mid-day but don’t want to go outside? Join the tunnel walk for a 30-minute walk led by a volunteer through MIT’s famous tunnel system*. This walk...