Get Support
DoingWell means getting support whenever you feel like you could use some. During challenging times, it’s important to take care of yourself. Below are some common issues students find they need support around. You can also scroll down for all the support offices that are available for you to contact. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry, just ask.
Download the Get Support booklet, undergraduate edition or graduate edition, to get to know some of the offices at MIT that are here to support you in your wellbeing journey and learn how to reach out to them directly.
Disability and Access Services (DAS)
DAS supports students with disability accommodations and access needs.
The Institute Discrimination & Harassment Response Office (IDHR)
IDHR serves as the central office addressing discrimination and discriminatory harassment (including sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking) for students, faculty, staff, and postdocs.
Fill out the Incident Reporting form
Intercultural Engagement (i.e.)
i.e. provides support, advocacy and education to our diverse undergraduate and graduate student populations. They advise cultural and identity based student organizations and help foster healthy conversations about diversity, social justice and belonging on campus.
Email: | W31-110
LBGTQ+ Services
LBGTQ+ Services provides a wide range of support and programs for students and student groups that foster equity, intersectionality, and the continuum of social justice. These include programs, resources, institutional policy advocacy, trainings and more.
Email: | 50-250
Instagram: @rainbow_lounge_mit
The Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life (ORSEL)
ORSEL is available for anyone who needs support. Chaplains provide religious, spiritual, and ethical programming, as well as confidential* counseling and crisis support. *Chaplains who are ordained clergy within their religious traditions are confidential resources for members of the community.
Call: 617-253-7707
Student Mental Health & Counseling Services (SMHCS)
SMHCS works with students to identify, understand, and solve problems, and to help transform that understanding into positive action.
Call: 617-253-2916
Student Support Services (S3)
S3 supports undergraduate students through academic and personal challenges.
Call: 617-253-4861
Violence Prevention and Response (VPR)
VPR provides confidential support and advocacy services for students impacted by sexual violence, relationship abuse, unhealthy relationships, stalking, or sexual or gender-based harassment.
Call: 617-253-2300.
Women and Gender Services (WXGS)
WXGS offers support for all women ad non-binary students as well as allies and their intersectional identities through student club support, programs, workshops, education, advocacy and providing resources so students can be their whole selves to thrive at MIT.
Email: | 3-308
Instagram: @wxgs_mit