QTPoc Mindfulness Monday with LBGTQ+ Services & OSW

Rainbow Lounge 142 Memorial Dr, 50-250, Cambridge, MA, United States

LBGTQ+ Services and the Office of Student Wellbeing (OSW) invite you to enjoy a moment of rest. Join us as we practice what it means to slow down and really notice where you're at. You'll gain tips and tools and craft items to help in your mindfulness journey, including a chance to create small, personalized...


LBGTQ+ Game Night

Rainbow Lounge 142 Memorial Dr, 50-250, Cambridge, MA, United States

Chill out and avoid some of that homework in the Rainbow Lounge. Bring friends and play board games, card games and kahoots.


National Coming Out Day!

Kendall/MIT Open Space 292 Main St, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Join MIT LBGTQ+ Services in celebrating authenticity, unity, and love on National Coming Out Day! Enjoy an afternoon filled with mouthwatering food from local food trucks, playful games, and a welcoming community that embraces and supports you just the way you are.


Speaking Our Truth: Power and Consent in Relationships

Rainbow Lounge 50-250 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA, United States

Familial and romantic relationships are often defined and influenced by unique power dynamics. In these contexts, students can sometimes withhold important information about themselves for fear of emotional retribution (such as the silent treatment or withholding affection) which can negatively effect relational equity and power. Such experiences can significantly impact mental health, wellness, and the...


LBGTQ+ Movie Night: KIKI

Rainbow Lounge 50-250 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA, United States

A captivating look into the daily lives of a group of LGBTQ youth who comprise the "Kiki" scene as they prepare for and perform at fierce and exuberant ballroom competitions in NYC


Existing Under the Trans Umbrella at MIT Panel Discussion

Rainbow Lounge 50-250 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA, United States

Panel discussion featuring MIT students, alumnx, faculty & staff sharing their experiences navigating MIT’s campus as trans-identifying individuals (e.g., transgender, agender, nonbinary, genderqueer, etc.).
